Monday 2 July 2012

Uganda Wildlife Education Centre

All animals have been rescued and add to the environmental education of tens of bus loads of students every week.

These beautiful kids and their teachers were an added delight on our tour.

A solar oven, donated by Austria, uses renewable energy to heat water up to 97 degrees - almost boiling.

People come from all over the world to see the famous and rare Shoebill Stork. It's huge and seemed almost human to me.

The Elder Tree is huge, it bears good fruit, has seeds that make good beads, and somehow works as an aphrodisiac!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jen, these pix astound me. They are so alive and vibrant. I love the pix of the kids in their crisp pink shirts. The boy in fronts with his hands on his hips amazes me. I can already see a strong man in there. Also, to the Celts the Elder Tree is healing. How healing to be by such a large and beautiful tree! Thanks!
