Tuesday 31 July 2012

The Sabbath Day

A day of rest is needed today, after a celebration last night and a fair bit of everything local (or from Congo). The rats kept at it longer than we did, so today must leave time for rest.

Nelson took me vie motorbike to Lake Edward, where we saw the fish mongers and their three part netting system: water bottles for flotation, the nets themselves, and rocks to take down the bottom edge.

This is a very prickly tree, eaten only by elephants.

These are skeletal clippings of the tree above.

At the school for wildlife conservation where Nelson studied, there were some stuffed and brined local specimens that were worth a shot. See here some chicken-like birds, a large lizard, some horns and various preserved worms/snakes.

Oh, yeah - here are the poisonous python (black) and the cobra that squeezes its prey.

Best of all was the triumphant arrival of Robert at about 4:00 this afternoon. I thought he had a day off, as he was up and out early this morning. It turns out that Robert had set off on a 43 km trip to fetch a chicken for our dinner. He brought home the beautiful, black feathered bird, plucked and butchered it (with the help of Ruth), and then brought the jerry can to me and waited for me to pour for him washing hands. Pouring his water was an honour. He was so dedicated and so tired.

Tonight's chicken was the most delicious, rich, juicy, tasteful and blessed meal of my life. Every bit of the bird got cooked, and with light by one flame, I was not sure what exactly I ate, but with the tapioc, I ate and ate and ate. It moved me to tears, in gratitude for Robert's efforts and that I will leave this beautiful family in the morning. God bless them all.

with chicken juice and love from Auntie

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